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Big pink elephant

By 10:06 PM

I like to keep it real.  So, I'm about to get real.  This is my side of the story.

I've recently self-inflicted myself with the role of "single mom".  Jeremy and I have been separated for awhile and the divorce has been filed. There was no sentinel event or even a spot when you can think back and say "Yep, that's when it started to unravel".  It was just a slow burn and then finally a realization that it's just not working.  And then another realization that it's OK to just say it's not working.  And then acceptance that it's just not working. 

We are not bad people.  We are not failures.  We are just humans that are growing and changing and learning who we are.  Jeremy is a great person.  He is fiercely loyal and is an excellent father to our children.  We are going to raise our children together but apart.  There will be no drama.  Neither of us will tolerate it from the other.  He is still a part of my family. 

The kids are doing well.  I am amazed by their resilience.  We answer questions honestly.  We do not keep secrets. We have open lines of communications both ways.  There have been some sad and trying moments but we experience them and move on. 

I'm not writing this as a "woe as me" post but rather to bring everyone on to the same page.  I hate gossip and believe me when I say that if you did not hear it from me or Jeremy, it's probably not true. 

With all that said, I'm moving on. I'm hoping to use my blog as an outlet for grieving and growing and sharing with all of you the exploits of "single mom" life.  I hate the phrase "single mom".  It elicits a feeling of pity almost.  Do not pity me.  I am doing well.  I am capable of keeping myself financially secure.  I am here for my kids.  I am working on ways to keep myself busy. (Posts on my crafting disasters are sure to follow.)  I am enjoying my alone time and I am meeting some pretty neat people in the process. 

I've been thinking a lot about the last year and am amazed at what I have accomplished.  I have not one, but two amazing jobs.  I love working for a plastic surgeon and I love working in women's services.  I have two jobs that are both highly sought after positions.  Both of my crews are like family.  I am so grateful for them both because they have supported me through some tough times the last couple of months.  I could not ask for better people.  If you're reading this, I love you guys.  Truly.  Even when I'm glaring at you like I want to kill you and am fantasizing about it in my head. 

The kids and I have a comfortable place to live and reliable transportation.  I am proud that I can provide safety and security for them.  On my own.  The Little Miss Independent in me is so thankful for the education I sought.  I see so many women who are not capable or able to make it on their own and are trapped. I'll be damned if that was going to happen to me.  Any future relationship of mine will be based on a want rather than a need.  I am comfortable on my own.

I'm excited to see where the next year takes us. I'll keep you posted. 

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