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They're all going to laugh at you!!!

By 10:10 PM

Wednesday morning...4 am...puking. I NEED Phenergan. If you have a headache, you take Tylenol right? Why not take something that can make you stop puking? So, I wait (not so patiently) until 6 am when Dr. Turd usually wakes up. Please, please, please...I'm dying. Need miracle drug! Dr. Turd obliges in my request. Thank GOD for 24 hour pharmacy.

Phenergan on board!! Good to go right! Wrong. Dear Husband, skips into the bathroom, brushes teeth and is off to work. Seriously. No offer to be late to take kids to school, no offer to call someone to help. Nothing. Off to work. Well... I can't take kids to school because I can't move more than 2 feet from the toilet. I crawl to the living room. Girls are entertaining Cooper who's in his high chair. They're such good girls! Dad lives close, so Dad and Brenda (Lifesavers!!) come and rescue the kids from me.

Kids gone, I'm home...alone. Wait, what is that tightness in my chest? Wait, why do I feel a little wheezy??? Holy Crap! God hates me. Me: Um..I think I'm having an allergic reaction. Dr. Turd: Do you have any benedryl? Me: NO! Dr. Turd: Where do you live?

Knock on the front door. My land-lady is there with the plumber to check for a water leak. Seriously. I'm not leaving the bathroom. Starting to feel a little light headed. Heart racing. Karen shows up with benedryl. I chew up two and shove the wad under my tongue. Mouth and throat go numb. Why did no one warn me of this? Start to feel faint, really tight chest. "We gotta go Karen!!"

Karen whips into the ambulance bay at Jones. She runs out of the car, banging on the door to open. I casually walk to the regular ER entrance. The registration clerk looks at me strangely and opens the door to the back. I find a nurse, and this is the sight she see's. I am foaming from the mouth pink stuff and talking with a very thick tongue because my mouth is numb. She looks and me and says "Why are you drooling?!!" "I pfthink I'm haffing an allergic reashun to Phenergan"

So, 2 giggly ER nurses get me hooked up, IV started (I did tell them that I hated them because they didn't numb me) Tagamet, prednisone, Zofran in. I'm feeling better. Dr. Turd is threatening to post this on utube. I threaten to kill him in his sleep. Turd admits me to the floor, so I can "rest" and get fluids. One of the S.E. of prednisone is insomnia. So, I am staring at the hospital walls. Nothing to do. Can't see. Left glasses at home. Going crazy! Then, I hear the Lullaby song. A baby is born. And that's why I do what I do!

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