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Right Now

By 12:53 PM

I have to post this blog right now.  Reasons:
1.  I have 42 seconds to spare.
2.  It's fresh on my mind.

Let me fill in the back story.  Sara has been asked to participate on the competition dance team at the studio that she does ballet and tap.  I was caught off guard at first because the day before I had watched "Dance Moms".  And I'm here to say that those moms are out there.  It's not just on reality TV.  So, I tentatively agreed and decided to do my own research into competition dancing for 5 year olds.

So where does one start on research for dancing competitions? Well, Youtube of course.  The first video I saw was this:

I was completely disgusted.  They're 7 years old and while they are extremely technically talented, its lost with the skimpy outfits, pelvic thrusts and grinding.  Disgusted.  That's all I can.  I could go on for hours and hours, but I've only got about 30 seconds left.

That didn't sway my decision to let her compete because Kristina's Studio is very established in the community and does age appropriate numbers.  As apprehensive I was about the Spring Show last year and all of it's hairspray, bobbie pins and fake hair flying around, I was very please with the production.  The kids had a fun time.  It was very entertaining and we had a great night.  Shout out to Dori Poe and Alyssa's Mom (immense apology for not remembering your name, I sometimes stare at Cooper or shout #3 at him cause his name escapes me.  It's not personal!).

Look at her with her BFF!

My biggest drawback was the time and money involved.  There are 3-4 competitions with entrance fees, choreography fees, costume fees, buying makeup (yes, I'm rolling my eyes), travel, extra classes during the week, and time, time, time.

So what to do, what to do? Realistically, she's 5 years old.  Let's put this in check, at this point in her life is this more for me to ooh and ahh over her or does it develop her?  Lessons possibly learned from competitive dance: (completely random order)
1. Lady like competition; Class vs. Ass (whatever happened to class anyway?  That's a different blog..)
2. Healthy self esteem.
4. Socialization and friendships made.
8. Athleticism
6. Advance her dance skills.
7. Develop an appreciation of an art.
5. HAVE fun!

So, after checking my own (and her Daddy's) aversions and misconceptions we decided to jump in head first.  We've got our choreography done.  She's going to be a bumble bee!  It's cuteness. There's 3 other girls in the group.  She's excited and I now have some leverage with her.  She understands that dance is a privilege and can be taken away. 

If you listen on a quiet dark night you can hear my checking account sobbing.  It is very expensive but I think it'll be worth it.  We're doing some fund-raising and I think I might have a buyer for my left kidney.  This is going to require some creative financing!  I've already ordered my shirt that says "I don't dance, I finance."

With 7 seconds to spare.  I'm done.

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